Worldhouse Colonization

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Also known as the "paraterraforming". Worldhouse Colonization involves the construction of a habitable enclosure on a planet which eventually grows to encompass most of the planet's usable area. The enclosure would consist of a transparent roof held one or more kilometers above the surface, pressurized with a breathable atmosphere, and anchored with tension towers and cables at regular intervals. The base technology for this came about on the earth in the 1960s.

Worldhouse Colonization has several advantages over the traditional approach to terraforming. For example, it provides an immediate payback to investors (assuming a capitalistic financing model). Although it starts out in a small area (a domed city for example), it quickly provides habitable space. The Worldhouse Colonization approach also allows for a modular approach that can be tailored to the needs of the planet's population, growing only as fast and only in those areas where it is required.