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Even in the current Era religion still holds power for many, though it has splintered, combined and mutated over time from its original earthite roots.

Fellowship of Father Space[edit | edit source]

Kemetism[edit | edit source]

Kemetism is the contemporary revival of Ancient Egyptian religion and related expressions of religion in classical and late antiquity, emerging during the 1970s on earth, it gained popularity within Jovian culture and left influences on Saturnian culture.

Martian Neoshamanism[edit | edit source]

Martian Neoshamanism most closely resembles old earth Native American spiritualism with some aspects of Hellenic Polytheism, with the leadership being made up of a council of oracles.

Orange-Catholicism[edit | edit source]

A merging of Protestantism and Catholicism with some aspects of Mahayana Buddhism.

Order of Hermes[edit | edit source]

Tritonite Synod[edit | edit source]

Tritonite religion is dominated by a singular spirtualistic religious system which resembles a combination of zen-Buddhism & some form of Celtic shamanism, with some inspirations or aspects from general pantheism, Coptic Orthodoxy and Shintoism.

Zensunni[edit | edit source]

Zensunni is a syncretic religious belief combining principles of Zen Buddhism and Sunni Islam.

Zenshia[edit | edit source]

Zensuhia is a syncretic religious belief combining principles of Zen Buddhism and Shia Islam.

Faith of Whispers[edit | edit source]

Chosen Ones of Steel[edit | edit source]

Paragons of the Damned[edit | edit source]

For the Paragons of the Damned, the world was created as the latest in a series, and humans were made from a god's need for vengeance.

Communion of the Alpha[edit | edit source]

Chaos[edit | edit source]

8 and 1 (IC no interaction has occured with these and are as such unknown)

(The 1) Cau-Sal the undivided[edit | edit source]

The Dreaming god, the living abyss


1. Zigghutha[edit | edit source]


-God of Intellect, Power and Obsession

2. Ghyr'zam[edit | edit source]

“” God of Pacts, Fortune and Ambition

-Light-Hearted Trickster god, whose sphere is the patronage of the spurned and ostracized. Largely benevolent – may even reward those whom play along with his games.

3. Sh-azharu[edit | edit source]

“” --God of Hope, Prophesy and Conspiracy

4. Lhyth'Goth[edit | edit source]


-Goddess of Love, Compassion but also Lust and Worldly Desires. Also associated with beauty and art.

Generally the most agreeable and benevolent of all the 'Chaos gods' but she also has a possessive 'yandere' streak to her.

5. Photihoth[edit | edit source]


-God of Pestilence, Decay and Medicine

6. Keiteloga[edit | edit source]


-Goddess of War, Honor and Revolution

7. Rheo'ith[edit | edit source]

-God of Madness and Wisdom

8. Rel'lim[edit | edit source]

-Goddess of Peace, Dominance and Order

Represents not only a counter to other chaos gods but also chaos's inherent conflict with even itself.